John Maxwell is a communicator, so words are very important to me. They can teach, inform, rebuke, compel, and encourage. In short, words can change people’s lives. Aldous Huxley said, “Words form the thread on which we string our experiences.” I believe that with all my heart. Effective communication plays a critical role in every person’s life – helping us be better parents, better friends, more effective employees, and better people.
It’s called A Minute with Maxwell, and it’s a daily video message from John, delivered right to your email inbox. For FREE!
And as the name implies, each video is short and to the point. In one minute, he shares his thoughts on one specific word, suggested by a listener, with the goal of helping you see it differently and apply it that day.
If you’d like to receive a free video from John every day, click on link here... A Minute with Maxwell
then on the tabs above click on Minute with Maxwell and sign up! . There you’ll see a welcome video, along with instructions on how to sign up.
After you sign up, you’ll be directed to a “Thank you” screen, where you can input any word (or words!) that you would like for him to talk about.
WHAT WE DID TO GO FROM $300k to a MILLION IN 18 months - Ian Prukner.mp3